1,511 research outputs found


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    We conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to empirically derive the COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) factor structure. Data (peri-traumatic stress during the COVID-19). We used data from the Physical and Psychological Reactions as Health Indicators Research (Virtual Laboratory of Affective, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuropsychometry – LAVINACC). EFA was implemented using a Polychoric Matrix and Robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares (RDWLS) extraction method. We used the Parallel Analysis with random permutation, and as a rotation technique, we used the Robust Promin. The adequacy of the model was evaluated using the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI) fit indices. The Ratio Communality Index (RCI) reported (RCI = 0.998452) showed both subsamples have a similar amount of common variance. Results showed adequacy of the polychoric correlation matrix measured by Bartlett's sphericity (21116.6, (df =   276; p < 0.00001) and KMO = 0.939. The overall assessment (UniCo = 0.918; ECV = 0.85), MIREAL = 0.200), suggested that CPDI can be treated as a two-factor structure: first factor (internal stressors), second factor (external stressors). Replication studies to verify further validity and reliability should be undertaken.Realizamos un análisis factorial exploratoria (AFE) para derivar empíricamente la estructura factorial del índice de estrés peritraumático (CPDI) de COVID-19. Se utilizaron datos de la Investigación sobre Reacciones Físicas y Psicológicas como Indicadores de Salud (Laboratorio Virtual de Neuropsicometría Afectiva, Cognitiva y Conductual – LAVINACC). El EFA se implementó utilizando un método de extracción de matriz policórica y mínimos cuadrados ponderados diagonalmente robustos (RDWLS). Se utilizó el Análisis Paralelo con permutación aleatoria, y como técnica de rotación se utilizó Promin. La idoneidad del modelo se evaluó utilizando los índices de ajuste Raíz del error cuadrático medio de aproximación (RMSEA), Índice de Tucker-Lewis (TLI) e Índice de ajuste comparativo (CFI). El índice de similitud (RCI) informado (RCI = 0.998452) mostró que ambas submuestras tienen una cantidad similar de varianza común. Los resultados mostraron adecuación de la matriz de correlación policórica medida por la esfericidad de Bartlett (21116.6, (df = 276; p < 0.00001) y KMO = 0.939. La evaluación global (UniCo = 0.918); (ECV = 0.85), MIREAL = 0.200), sugirió que el CPDI puede ser tratado como una estructura de dos factores: primer factor (estresores internos), segundo factor (estresores externos). Se deben realizar estudios de replicación para verificar una mayor validez y confiabilidad.Realizamos uma análise fatorial exploratória (EFA) para derivar empiricamente a estrutura fatorial do Índice de Estresse Peri-traumático COVID-19 (CPDI). Foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa de Reações Físicas e Psicológicas como Indicadores de Saúde (Laboratório Virtual de Neuro-psicometria Afetiva, Cognitiva e Comportamental – LAVINACC). A EFA foi implementada usando um método de extração de Matriz Policórica e Robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares (RDWLS). Utilizou-se a Análise Paralela com permutação aleatória, e como técnica de rotação, utilizou-se Promin. A adequação do modelo foi avaliada por meio dos índices de ajuste Root Mean Square Error of Approach (RMSEA), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) e Comparative Fit Index (CFI). O Índice de Comunalidade da Razão (RCI) relatado (RCI = 0,998452) mostrou que ambas as sub-amostras têm uma quantidade semelhante de variância comum. Os resultados mostraram adequação da matriz de correlação policórica medida pela esfericidade de Bartlett (21116,6, (df = 276; p < 0,00001) e KMO = 0,939. A avaliação global (UniCo = 0,918); (ECV = 0,85), MIREAL = 0,200), sugeriu que o CPDI pode ser tratada como uma estrutura de dois fatores: primeiro fator (estressores internos), segundo fator (estressores externos). Estudos de replicação para verificar mais validade e confiabilidade devem ser realizados


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    Affirmative policies arise from the need to favor some sectors of society that have suffered or continue to suffer from the effects of discrimination, injustice, racism, or exclusion; among these, in Special Education, students with gifted characteristics have become invisible to teachers, guardians, and society in general. However, the trinomial gifted black female presents threefold invisibility in our world. This study analyzes the factors that trigger the invisibility of gifted black women in Brazilian schools.  We use descriptive statistics to analyze the microdata collected by surveys, evaluations, and exams carried out by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research

    The prize for hard work: effort, educational attainment and the transmission of social inequality

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    The meritocratic paradigm, predominant in our society, consists of the idea that success in life is determined by the combination of ability and effort. However, individuals only have agency over effort, a concept that has remained understudied in comparison to its importance for equality of opportunity. Bridging interdisciplinary literature from sociology, economics and psychology, this thesis seeks to expand the knowledge on the relevance of effort for educational processes and the transmission of social inequality. To expand the knowledge on effort, two measures of actual exerted effort are employed. The first reflects test effort, measured with the PISA test. The second is an experimental measure of cognitive effort stemming from real-effort tasks. These measures are used in different contexts (Australia, Spain and cross-country) to analyze the impact of effort on short and long-run educational outcomes. Furthermore, the thesis tests mechanisms based on sociological theories through which effort could contribute to the reproduction of social inequality. The results demonstrate that effort is indeed a crucial determinant of educational attainment. The magnitude of the impact is comparable to the effect of cognitive skills. Nevertheless, effort also contributes to the transmission of social advantage. The specific mechanisms and the implications for the conception of meritocracy and equality of opportunity are discussed.This thesis has received funding from the European Reserarch Council (ERC) under the European Union 's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 758600).Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales/ Social Sciences por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Mención InternacionalPresidente: Fabrizio Bernardi.- Secretario: Juan Jesús Fernández González.- Vocal: Heike Solg

    Strive to Succeed? The Role of Persistence in the Process of Educational Attainment

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    This paper examines the role of effort in the process of educational attainment. First, I analyze the impact of effort on future tertiary educational attainment. Then, I test two sociological theories that argue that effort transmits educational inequality across generations. According to the first theory, parental background shapes the effort that children exert in education-related activities. The second theory argues that the drivers of effort in this context are educational expectations. I use a variable for effort that is measured directly over the course of the PISA test. Using a longitudinal dataset from Australia, I estimate different hierarchical and structural equations models. I find that the measure of effort is positively and significantly associated with the probability of having obtained a tertiary degree ten years later. Furthermore, the results show partial support for the second theory but not for the first one.The author disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 758600)

    The Implementation of the Energy Reform and Socio-environmental Conflicts Regarding Hydrocarbons in Mexico

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    The opening of Mexico’s energy sector to private investment, along with more critical public attitudes on the environmental and community toll of energy extraction activities, may increase the incidence and visibility of socio-environmental conflict in Mexico. The author discusses the history of socio-environmental conflict in Mexico, the potential emergence of such conflicts in urban and rural areas in the future, and the role the judicial branch may play in resolving socio-environmental challenges. This paper is part of a Baker Institute Mexico Center research project examining the rule of law in Mexico (http://www.bakerinstitute.org/the-rule-of-law/) and the challenges it poses to implementing the country's energy reform

    Memory-augmented conformer for improved end-to-end long-form ASR

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    Conformers have recently been proposed as a promising modelling approach for automatic speech recognition (ASR), outperforming recurrent neural network-based approaches and transformers. Nevertheless, in general, the performance of these end-to-end models, especially attention-based models, is particularly degraded in the case of long utterances. To address this limitation, we propose adding a fully-differentiable memory-augmented neural network between the encoder and decoder of a conformer. This external memory can enrich the generalization for longer utterances since it allows the system to store and retrieve more information recurrently. Notably, we explore the neural Turing machine (NTM) that results in our proposed Conformer-NTM model architecture for ASR. Experimental results using Librispeech train-clean-100 and train-960 sets show that the proposed system outperforms the baseline conformer without memory for long utterances

    Effort and dynamics of educational inequality: Evidence from a laboratory study among primary school children

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    If opportunities were equal, effort would be the main driver of individual success. However, in real life, people do not start the “race of life” with the same endowments. Thus, the study of Inequality of Opportunity in the tradition of John Roemer is dedicated to measuring the share of achievements that is determined by effort – viewed as the only “legitimate” source that is under individual control – versus by circumstances – that is, the “illegitimate” sources of achievement beyond by the individual’s influence. However, effort is often measured either merely as the residual that is left after controlling for a vector of circumstances (such as socioeconomic background, race or gender) or with imperfect proxies such as self-reported psychological traits or attitudes towards learning. The aim of the paper is twofold: First, it intends to assess the importance of “real effort” for determining academic performance in contrast to circumstances. Using an accurate measure of cognitive effort, measured in the lab, we can compare its impact on school grades in Math and Spanish with the effect of having highly educated parents or high IQ. Second, the paper explores the role of teachers’ perception of student effort in their academic grades. We expect that the perception of the teachers will be very relevant for academic performance. Furthermore, we argue that although teachers’ perception of student effort is not the most accurate measure of effort, it might be an important mediator between cognitive effort and academic grades. Data stems from a lab experiment carried out with 380 5th grade students from primary schools in the metropolitan area of Madrid, Spain, during the school year 2019/2020. The schools were randomly selected from a sample stratified by neighborhood income quartile and type of school. All the students carried out three real-effort tasks adopted from economics and psychology (i.e. the Simon, AX and Slider tasks), covering different executive functions. This multidimensional measure of cognitive effort ensures a comprehensive approach to effort that minimizes the influence of ability. We also gathered information on various “circumstances” of the students – such as parental education, gender and IQ (Raven’s Progressive Matrices). Provisional results indicate that effort exerts a sizeable influence on student grades, similar to IQ in the magnitude of its predictive power. Nevertheless, the association between teachers’ perception of student effort and school grades is significantly larger, comparable with the effect of having parents with tertiary education. Furthermore, we find evidence that teachers’ perception of student effort is an important mediator between cognitive effort and school grades, although, interestingly, the magnitude varies depending on the subject.Funding Acknowledgement: This research has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 758600)


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    I INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON BORDER AND FIELD WORK STUDIES: experience reportI SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL EN ESTUDIOS DE FRONTERA Y TRABAJO DE CAMPO: relato de experienciaNo atual cenário global (caraterizado pelo incremento de fluxos internacionais de capitais, bens, informações, tecnologia, mercadorias e capital humano) as fronteiras constituem o elemento nuclear da geopolítica, tendo-se tornado espaços privilegiados nos processos de cooperação e integração regional. A fronteira franco-brasileira está inserida em diferentes escalas geográficas, portanto, a assinatura do acordo-quadro entre ambas nações representa uma oportunidade ante os desafios conjunturais, visando resolver problemas comuns e dinamizar a economia. O presente Relato de Experiência tem como objetivo descrever tanto o I Seminário Internacional ocorrido no dia 29 de maio de 2017 na cidade de Oiapoque quanto a Pesquisa de Campo que paralelamente foi desenvolvida, no intuito de difundir seus resultados, gerar reflexões e discussões posteriores e contribuir com o desenvolvimento das relações fronteiriças franco-brasileiras mediante a divulgação do conhecimento gerado. A metodologia utilizada foi de tipo exploratório, descritivo e explicativo, apoiada em uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo. Como principal resultado da pesquisa encontrou-se a importância de implementar uma estrutura jurídica descentralizada que contribua significativamente para a integração das Relações Fronteiriças entre França e Brasil.Palavras-chave: Globalização; Fronteira Franco-brasileira; Acordo-quadro; Ponte Binacional.ABSTRACTIn the current global scenario (characterized by the increase of international flows of capital, goods, information, technology, goods and human capital), borders constitute the core element of geopolitics and have become privileged spaces in regional cooperation and integration processes. The Franco-Brazilian border is embedded in different geographic scales, therefore, the signing of the framework agreement between the two nations represents an opportunity in the face of the conjuncture challenges, aiming at solving common problems and stimulating the economy. The present Report of Experience aims to describe both the 1st International Seminar that took place on May 29, 2017 in the city of Oiapoque and the Field Research that was developed in parallel, in order to disseminate its results, generate reflections and later discussions and contribute with the development of Franco-Brazilian border relations through the dissemination of the knowledge generated. The methodology used was exploratory, descriptive and explanatory, supported by a bibliographical and field research. The main result of the research was the importance of implementing a decentralized legal structure that contributes significantly to the integration of the Border Relations between France and Brazil.Keywords: Globalization; French-Brazilian Border; Framework Agreement; Binational Bridge.RESUMENEn el escenario global actual (caracterizado por el incremento de flujos internacionales de capitales, bienes, informaciones, tecnología, mercadurías y capital humano) las fronteras se constituyen como el elemento nuclear de la geopolítica, habiéndose tornado espacios privilegiados em los procesos de cooperación e integración regional. La frontera franco-brasileña se encuentra inserta en diferentes escalas geográficas, por lo tanto, la firma del acuerdo-cuadro entre ambas naciones representa una oportunidad ante los desafíos coyunturales que buscan resolver problemas comunes, dinamizar la economía y proteger el medio ambiente. Entre los resultados del acuerdo-cuadro, la construcción del puente binacional puede ser considerado como símbolo de los desafíos Inter fronterizos. El presente Relato de Experiencia tiene como objetivo describir tanto el Primer Seminario Internacional ocurrido el día 29 de mayo de 2017 en la ciudad de Oiapoque, como la Investigación de Campo que paralelamente fue desarrollada para difundir sus resultados, generar reflexiones y discusiones posteriores y contribuir con el desarrollo de las relaciones fronterizas franco-brasileiras mediante la divulgación de conocimiento generado. La metodología utilizada fue de tipo exploratorio, descriptivo y explicativo, apoyada en una investigación bibliográfica y de campo. Como principal resultado se encontró la importancia de implementar una estructura jurídica descentralizada que contribuya significativamente para la integración de las Relaciones Fronterizas entre Francia y Brasil.Palabras clave: Globalización; Frontera Franco-brasileña; Acuerdo-cuadro; Puente Binacional